Hydraulic to Mechanical Drive Conversion

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Lyco Washer hydraulic system in Pickle plant expensive to operate, maintain and very dangerous according to customer.

BHQ Solution:
Convert from hydraulic to mechanical drives. Headco Machine went to customer’s facility and took necessary measurement’s to fabricate new end bells. Worked with Cone drive and came up with drives that would supply enough HP and speed, chose sprockets, chains and bearings to support rollers.

Benefit and Cost Savings: Customer no longer has loss of product due to contamination, far less maintenance and loss of production. Not to mention elimination of slip and fall hazards and Noise levels.

Safety and Noise:Priceless
Maintenance repair parts and 85 labor hours: $18,300.00
Direct Labor, 21hours: $8700.00
Absorbent mats and waste removal: $630.00
Raw product loss due to contamination: $3600.00
Lost production 21hours: $65,240.00
Total Savings: $96,470.00


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